Artist’s books are an important part of my practice. Most of my books are inspired by books made by other artists. Richard Prince, Ed Ruscha, Sol LeWitt, Seth Siegelaub, On Kawara, Dieter Roth, and Jonathan Monk are important influences.
You can purchase my books from my etsy and lulu storefronts or from Printed Matter.

121 Nurses (after Richard Prince)

Some Los Angeles Apartments, Real Estate Opportunities, and Records (after Ed Ruscha)

Spiritual America - The Richard Prince Book

Arcs Circles & Grids (after Sol LeWitt)

Gesammelte Werke Bande 7 (after Dieter Roth)

Cliff's Notes for "Catcher in the Rye" by Richard Prince

Throwing Three Balls in the Air to Get a Straight Line (after John Baldessari)

Autobiography (after Sol LeWitt)
Bootleg version of "The Catcher in the Rye" by Richard Prince

The Location of Lines (after Sol LeWitt), 8 differently-sized volumes

Daily News Book (after Dieter Roth)

Loud Song (after Richard Prince)

I Went (after On Kawara)

Eric Doeringer - Collected Works

Erased de Kooning Drawings (after Robert Rauschenberg and Willem de Kooning)

Squares With SIdes and Corners Torn Off (after Sol LeWitt)

The Xeroxed Book (after Seth Siegelaub)

60 Years Later (after RIchard Prince)

Stained aka the Ed Ruscha Coloring Book

Variations on I Am Not Still Alive On Kawara (after Sol LeWitt)

Red, Blue and Yellow Lines from Sides, Corners and the Center of the Wall to Points on a Grid (after Sol LeWitt)

Stains (after Ed Ruscha)

Christy's exhibition catalog

The Rematerialization of the Art Object exhibition catalog

Survey exhibition catalog